v2.10-RC December 10, 2024
NEW: Page Transitions
NEW: Quick Remote Templates
NEW: Focus mode
NEW: Zoom-Out
NEW: Color Variables Picker
NEW: Logical Properties
NEW: 2 New Elements: Nestable Darkmode Button & Toggle
NEW: Lock Elements Order
NEW: Extract Variables as Global Variables
v2.9.1.3 October 24, 2024
Improved / Fixed: When both builder & frontend are set to be hidden, the structure element was painted as orange instead of red
Improved / Fixed: Sass variables are now included inside the suggestion dropdown of AdvancedCSS and SuperPowerCSS when hitting “$”
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: decreased the amount of calculation on save leading to better performances
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: toggling on a disabled CSS wasn’t reflecting inside the builder
Improved / Fixed: ACSS recipe content was converting single quotes in HTML entities code
Improved / Fixed: Invalid Nonce on saving Advanced CSS settings when ACSS is active
v2.9.1.2 October 22, 2024
Improved / Fixed: Hide element on builder & frontend now have 2 different colors inside the structure panel
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: Toggling a stylesheet status could reset the content
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: Toggling a partial status could set the content as “false”
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: Partials weren’t sharing variables from other partials, resulting in potential errors when compiling
Improved / Fixed: Advanced CSS: The status toggle was too big in sidebar view – the tooltip was overlapping with the CSS editor
Improved / Fixed: SuperPowerCSS: The cursor/selection could be miscalculated after the left panel auto-expanded
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