Free 4.0.19 | Pro 4.0.15
New: Template builder.
New: Template builder support for event ticket templates.
New: Template builder support for event certificate templates.
New: RSVP shortcode added.
New: "Send Certificate" option added on the Attendee list page.
Fix: Plugin update notification issue resolved.
Free 4.0.17 | Pro 4.0.14
New: Booking List added in Multivendor and Eventin Frontend Dashboard.
Fix: License activation issue resolved.
Fix: PayPal live account credentials issue fixed.
Fix: Eventin WooCommerce product converted as an array issue resolved.
Fix: Attendee webhook data not sent on order completion.
Fix: Certificates not sent if no certificate template is selected for an event.
Fix: Role permissions couldn't be added or removed.
Fix: BuddyBoss group activity not showing.
Free 4.0.16 | Pro 4.0.13
New: Booking List added in Multivendor and Eventin Frontend Dashboard.
Fix: License activation issue resolved.
Free 4.0.15 | Pro 4.0.12
New: Role management settings added.
Tweak: License page updated to React page.
Free 4.0.12 | Pro 4.0.11
New: Ticket resend option added on Bookings and Attendee pages.
Tweak: Multivendor compatibility with the latest Eventin API.
Tweak: Frontend Submission compatibility with the latest Eventin API.
Tweak: BuddyBoss compatibility with the latest Eventin API.
Tweak: Webhook compatibility with the latest version.
Fix: Seat plan ticket price change issue resolved.
Fix: RSVP guest count issue fixed.
Fix: Attendee name display issue in certificate templates resolved.
Free 4.0.11 | Pro 4.0.10
Tweak: Updated settings URL on the tools page and plugin activation settings.
Tweak: Hide Ticket Selector when no tickets are available for an event.
Fix: Module disabling issue resolved.
Fix: Timezone issue in the ticket form.
Fix: WooCommerce payment method redirection to the wrong URL issue fixed.
Fix: Dokan module event ticket purchase issue resolved.
Fix: Added translation support for the Ticket Selector.
Fix: Event date display issue on event single pages resolved.
Fix: Broken category issue when editing categories resolved.
Fix: Attendee seat not displaying on attendee tickets.
Fix: Static currency symbol on order email templates issue fixed.
Fix: Currency issue when enabling rich text resolved.
Fix: Seat number not displaying on order details without attendee issue resolved.
Fix: Recurring event date changing issue on Multivendor (Pro) resolved.
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