Version 4.6
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v8.0.1
- Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.14
- Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v2.20
- Fix: Height of login popup on smaller devices fixed
- Fix: Issue with importer when "Activate Plugins" option checked fixed
Version 4.54
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.9
- Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v2.19
- Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.12.4
- Update: Youzify updated to v3.5.4
- Fix: Position of dropdown select arrows fixed
- Fix: Activity shortcode display in Youzify Wall 3 column layout fixed
- Fix: Empty “s” query_var running in backend prevented
- Fix: Post meta hidden on BuddyPress register page
- Fix: Redirect issue fixed if no login page selected
- Fix: Text label not showing on menu items with images fixed
- Fix: Theme’s bbPress CSS loaded when Youzify bbPress integration disabled
Version 4.53
- Update: Aardvark Plugin updated to v2.18
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.7.2
- Update: Youzify updated to v3.5.0
- Update: New hooks added: “ghostpool_global_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_global_wrapper_end”, “ghostpool_site_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_site_wrapper_end”, “ghostpool_page_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_page_wrapper_end”, “ghostpool_header_after”
- Update: Frontend restrictions issue when front page was the same as redirected page fixed
- Update: Filter “ghostpool_disable_new_user_notification” added to disable the theme’s new account email
- Update: Filter “ghostpool_wpb_column” added
- Fix: Issues with widgets in Youzify when BP Classic activated fixed
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