Version 6.3.12 – (Released on January 21, 2025)
- Error messages for field validation failures due to an insufficient security nonce now provide additional context.
- Duplicated ACF blocks no longer lose their field values after the initial save when block preloading is enabled.
- ACF Blocks containing complex field types now behave correctly when React StrictMode is enabled.
Version 6.3.11 – (Released on November 12, 2024)
- Field Group keys are now copyable on click.
- Repeater tables with fields hidden by conditional logic now render correctly.
- ACF Blocks now behave correctly in React StrictMode.
- Edit mode is no longer available for ACF Blocks with a WordPress Block API version of 3, as field editing is not supported in the iframe.
Version – (Released on October 29, 2024) – Free Only Release
- ACF Free no longer causes a fatal error when unsupported legacy ACF addons are active.
Version – (Released on October 29, 2024) – Free Only Release
- ACF Free no longer causes a fatal error when WPML is active.
Version 6.3.10 – (Released on October 29, 2024)
- Setting a metabox callback for custom post types and taxonomies now requires admin access, or super admin access for multisite installs.
- Field-specific ACF nonces are now prefixed, resolving an issue where third-party nonces could be treated as valid for AJAX calls.
- Added a new “Close and Add Field” option when editing a field group, allowing inline insertion of a new field after the edited field.
- ACF and ACF PRO now share the same plugin updater for improved reliability and performance.
- Exporting post types and taxonomies containing metabox callbacks now correctly exports the user-defined callback.
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