2024-11-19 – version 2.17.0
update:Add regular price to cart review section for products on sale
fix:Issue causing the phone number Phone field numbers to jumble for RTL
fix:HTML character showing in address autocomplete
fix:Dequeue core-block-supports only on non Flux checkout pages
2024-10-17 – version 2.16.0
new:Multiple conditional logic groups are now available for Flux Checkout Elements (backwards compatible with existing conditions)
new:Compatibility with global headers/footers created with Bricks, Beaver Builder, Breakdance and Visual Composer
update:Added updated translations for Dutch (Netherlands)
fix:Order review section no longer appears twice on the Payment step when Germanized for WooCommerce is active
fix:Phone field now honours the optional/required setting in the WC section of the customizer
fix:Phone field direction now correctly honours the RTL setting for the active language
fix:Fixed several string translation issues relating to cross-sells
2024-08-28 – version 2.15.0
fix:Email field missing when WooPayments is active
fix:Map not showing on the Thank You page in rare cases
fix:Disable password strength check when the wc-password-strength-meter script is dequeued
fix:Make the “Add” button translatable in the cross-sell block
fix:Do not ask the user to log in when the “Assign Guest User” setting is enabled
fix:Phone field blocks the checkout process when used with Checkout blocks
fix:Bug where login doesn’t work when the password contains special characters
2024-07-18 – version 2.14.0
new:New Cross-sell products block and setting
updateThank you page heading: replace H1 tag with H2 to prevent double H1 tags
fix:Double shipping address heading
fix:Coupon button bug in classic theme
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