Version 1.22.0 – (Released on January 23, 2025)
- Added full option for `group_flush` configuration option.
- Switched default value for `group_flush` to `scan`.
- Replaced all `error_log()` calls with internal `log()` helper.
- Log all messages when debug mode is enabled.
- Improved performance of analytics API requests.
- Fixed rare `TypeError` in `Diagnostics::redisVersion()`.
- Fixed scheme detection for `wp redis cli` command.
- Fixed inverted multi/pipeline modes.
- Fixed OpenTelemetry tracer integration.
- Avoided cloning connection when computing metrics.
- Removed deprecated `$RedisCachePro` global.
Version 1.21.3 – (Released on October 29, 2024)
- Allowed more cache key separators in Relay prefix health check.
- Fixed changelog not being accessible when `DISALLOW_FILE_MODS` is set.
- Avoided rare notice when using Query Monitor.
- Removed debug call.
Version 1.21.2 – (Released on July 18, 2024)
- Added support for setting strict mode using `OBJECTCACHE_STRICT` environment variable.
- Strict mode is no longer enabled when a prefix is set.
- Fixed connection error when no Sentinel replicas are available.
Version 1.21.1 – (Released on May 21, 2024)
- Fixed rare type mismatch during admin lifecycle execution.
Version 1.21.0 – (Released on May 8, 2024)
- Added Redis cluster support for Relay.
- Added `ErrorLogContextLogger` for easier debugging.
- Added `Relay*Connection::keysInMemory()` helpers.
- Enabled strict mode by default.
- Added support for `WC_SESSION_CACHE_GROUP` constant.
- Implemented decorrelated jitter backoff algorithm for connection attempts.
- Checked `wp_is_file_mod_allowed('object_cache_dropin')` before deleting drop-in automatically.
- Improved latency widget content for cluster connections.
- Used configured logger and log levels for plugin logging.
- Resolved PHP 8.4 deprecation notices.
- Avoided rare fatal error in `Configuration::safelyFrom()`.
- Fixed `objectcache_allow_dropin_mod` filter.
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