Version 3.0.4
Fix: Performance issues
Fix: Shortcodes
Fix: Icons in product list
Fix: Mixing all taxonomy products when "Do not mix" auctions and products
Version 3.0.3
Add: Allow shop managers to export winners and auction activity
Fix: Warning
Fix: JS bug in wp-admin > Add New Product
Version 3.0.2
Fix: Warning
Fix: Link in My Auctions Activity shortcode
Fix: Sorting
Add: Update jQuery Timepicker Addon v1.6.3
Version 3.0.1
Fix: DB optimization (indexing)
Fix: Removed obsolete code
Fix: AutoNumeric.js decimals issue
Add: Show additional content in HTML emails
Add: Always use default Datepicker JS
Add: Added template for shortcode [my_auctions_activity]
Version 3.0.0
Add: Automatically charge for won auctions if user has stored card number (Stripe only)
Add: Allow bidding if user has stored card number (Stripe only)
Add: Special shortcode to display template parts for single auction page [wsa_templates template="countdown"]
Add: New hook woocommerce_simple_auction_auction_payed and filter woocommerce_simple_auctions_relist_auction
Add: Version update for datatables.js
Fix: Add to Watchlist link in product loop
Fix: Auction Finished admin email template
Fix: Outbid message on single auction page
Fix: Error must be of type int|float
Fix: Category count after relist
Fix: Small HPOS compatibility fix
Version 2.1.4
Add: Auction Winners sort by Winner column
Add: Auction Winners sort by Auction ID column
Fix: Added Pay Now button widget for Elementor
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