v3.17.4 - December 31st, 2024
3rd-party compatibility: Improve compatibility with Termly plugin (#6863)
Enhancement: Minor translation updates (#7153)
Enhancement: Update banners to cover new types of licenses (#7176)
Enhancement: Send parameter while downloading partner’s plugin from the dashboard (#7201)
September 26th, 2024
Enhancement: Introduce “rocket_lrc_exclusions” filter to exclude elements from the Automatic Lazy Rendering feature.
September 18th, 2024
Enhancement: Adjust wording and fix a problem with French translations.
September 16th, 2024
New Feature: Automatic Lazy Rendering– automatically detect HTML elements which are below the fold, and instruct the browser to delay their render.
August 14th, 2024
Enhancement: Refactor of the Optimize Critical Images codebase.
Bugfix: Fix PHP undefined property warning when using Optimize Critical Images feature.
Bugfix: Fix rocket_min_rucss_size filter, it was not working in specific circumstances.
Enhancement: Allow the usage of more than 10 seconds timeout for the rocket_lcp_delay filter.
Enhancement: Make sure to remove loading=”lazy” attribute when automatically excluding from the lazy load above the fold images.
Enhancement: Add span element to the list of possible LCP elements when using Optimize Critical Images feature.
Enhancement: Add data-rocket-defer attribute to the scripts deferred by WP Rocket.
Enhancement: Allow the removal of element generated for the lazyload markup.
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