Yoast SEO Premium Plugin v24.3 Free Download

File Size:

9 MB


12 Oct, 2010

Last Update:

21 Jan, 2025

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin v24.3 Free Download

Enhancement: Introduces more robust HTML processing and highlighting for the sentence length and paragraph length assessments.  
Fix: Semrush request executed twice when opening the related keyphrases modal.  
Fix: Text color in search on settings page not changing correctly when active, causing bad contrast.  
Fix: View button label in the Yoast dashboard not available for translation.  
Other: Improves contrast in the related keyphrase suggestions table.  
Other: Improves contrast in the RSS supported variables explainer table.  
Enhancement: Improves tooltips accessibility in the related keyphrase suggestions modal.  
Fix: Deprecation message appearing in PHP 8+ when saving a post with images having invalid sources. Props to kkmuffme.  
Fix: TypeError occurring when checking for capabilities of SEO Manager user role without roles being passed as an array. Props to kfeinUI.  
Fix: Styles on buttons, intent badge, and modal links not adjusting in RTL view.  
Other: Changes the title text on the Yoast installation success page.  
Other: Fixes a console warning about ReactDOM.render no longer supported in React 18.  
New: Introduces the Yoast Dashboard to monitor SEO and readability performance of site posts.  
New: Adds "Not analyzed" as an option in the readability filter on the posts page.  
Enhancement: Expands the "Needs improvement" option in the readability filter to include posts with insufficient content.  
Fix: Posts explicitly set to not be noindexed and without a keyword not appearing in the relevant SEO filter.  
Other: Improves translatability of feedback for paragraph length and sentence length assessments.  
General: Includes various enhancements and bug fixes.  
Enhancement: Adds a maximum width to problems and notifications sections on the General page.  
Enhancement: Adds Intent and Difficulty to the Semrush integration metrics.  
Enhancement: Improves compatibility of Yoast blocks with WordPress 6.7.  
Fix: Fatal error in PHP 8.x when a user's additional contact methods were improperly set to null. Props to PhilETaylor.  
Fix: First-time configuration displaying a double separator for the title and content.  
Fix: First-time configuration not resizing properly on smaller screens.  
Other: Stops PHP notices on WordPress 6.7 about _load_textdomain_just_in_time loading incorrectly.  
New: Redesigned General page.  
Enhancement: Adds notification when an error occurs while changing notification or problem visibility.  
Fix: Elementor integration ignoring previously saved slug values of drafts.  
Other: Updates WordPress tested up to version 6.7.  
Enhancement: Removes keyphrase in slug assessment for static home pages.  
Fix: Database error occurring when no public taxonomies were available for indexing.  
Fix: Fatal error caused by another plugin running the exit() function inside the plugin_loaded hook. Props to menno-ll.  
Other: Removes translation strings not meant for Yoast SEO Free version.  
Other: Resets notice for discouraged search engines when changing visibility to visible.  


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